Another completed short sale in Ponte Vedra Beach

This condo was directly across the street from the beach and only a few doors south from the Ponte Vedra Inn & Club.  Great location!

AHMSI Short Sale with No Deficiency

AHMSI was the mortgage company and they agreed to take less than was originally owed AND waived their right to collect the deficiency balance.  This was a great relief to the sellers as the difference between what was owed and what was accepted by the bank was a very large amount of money.

This property sold due to its location, condition, price, and marketing.  With our top web marketing plan we had a constant flow of inquiries from many places around the web as home shoppers found this property when doing their searching. …

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Information is flowing from every angle about the local and national housing market.  Some of the info is good and some is completely false.  This is an attempt to debunk some of the more prominent Myths on the local Jacksonville Real Estate Market.

Myth 1:  Homes are selling at half price.

Realistically, homes are selling at 30-50% off from their highs in 2006, however they are not selling at half price from today's value.  If a home is listed on the market by an accomplished and professional REALTOR, chances are it's priced aggressively already.  Can you purchase the home for less, probably in most cases, but often barely less.  Realistically, you need solid representation to help you determine if the list price is a good deal or not.

Myth 2: …

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