Bank of America Short Sales are getting faster!

The speed up is happening as they've finally developed some internal systems and processes that make sense.  Oh yea, and they've stopped changing them every 10 days, which helps.  They are still struggling with the massive incoming volume of short sale applications, contracts, and inquiries, but hey - that's to be expected for the largest holder/servicer of distressed mortgages.  

One great new addition to the Bank of America short sale system has been the ability to apply for a HAFA short sale BEFORE we have the property listed for sale.  The benefit of this is that the bank will actually provide you with a written document that states the terms of sale, i.e., approved listing price!  This is great…

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A new study just came out on how home buyers shop for a home.  This study was a collaboration between Google and the National Association of Realtors.  A couple of interesting statistics were found.  (interesting to me).

As anyone who is currently alive can tell you, home buyers shop for homes on line.  Actually only 9 out of 10 use the internet as their primary shopping tool, and that's mind boggling to me.  I just can't understand what the other 1 out of 10 does.  ???

Another interesting stat from the study:  Days of research on the web before a potential home buyer "takes action on the site".  That would lead me to believe before they request information about homes they've found or sign up to keep up with their favorites, etc.  The stat finds…

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