Wells Fargo Short Sale Success!

All banks that have any mortgages in Florida have finally come around and realized this is 2013 and home prices haven't shot back up to 2006 levels.  (7 years ago!)  Wells Fargo included.  

This particular Wells Fargo short sale went pretty smoothly, as I'd expect with Wells Fargo now that they are more eager to work with Short Sales.  This home was in the World Golf Village area, and the amount owed was well over the current true market value.  

Unfortunately, this home was like so many homes in the newer home communities....well cared for, well outfitted with nice custom features, and absolute turn key ready for new owners.  The unfortunate part is the owners would typically get a higher price for their hard…

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Jacksonville, like most cities, is flooded with Real Estate companies and Real Estate agents.  It's hard to figure out who will provide the best results, but I believe a few core facts and philosophies make RE/MAX the logical choice.

RE/MAX Business Philosophy:  this is straight from the founder, Dave Liniger:

RE/MAX is a team rather than a family.  "There are other companies that look at their real estate network as a family," Liniger said. "In a family, everybody's accepted and loved, even if they don't do anything to support the family.  But a team is different; a team is out there to win. RE/MAX is a team ­– the best team that's ever been put together in the history of the real estate business."

I personally like this approach.  Too many…

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