How is the Jacksonville Real Estate Market?
Real Time, Real Estate Market Report for Jacksonville Florida
Graphs and data are direct from our local Jacksonville MLS. The information here is updated monthly as the housing data is compiled. If you'd like a more specific look at your neighborhood or your area of town, reach out and we can create a chart custom for you.
New Listings By Price Range:
This graph shows the number of new Jacksonville listings that come on the market per price range.
Pending Sales by Price Point:
This shows the number of pending sales per price point. "Pending" is a home that has been listed for sale and then goes under contract. A Pending sale is just awaiting closing and typically means that the home has cleared the inspections and / or the financing contingencies and any other Buyer contingencies. Some agents will mark a home Pending immediately after going to contract.
Closed sales by price range:
This chart collects the price at which the property sold and closed, not the listing price but the true closing price.
Average Showings before the Listing goes to Contract:
A favorite, this chart can give a lot of information to a potential Seller and what that Seller can expect when listing their home on the open market.
POINT OF INFORMATION: If you have a much more specific location you are interested in, and you are a data geek like me, just hit me up and I'll pull the data together for you. Hit me up!