Question of the week: How long does Foreclosure take in Florida?
The answer is simple and cloudy: Forever....sometimes.
In the first three months of 2011, the average foreclosure in Florida took 619 days, according to RealtyTrac Inc. For the math challenged, that's just shy of 2 years. The calculation is from the time a home owner receives the Lis Pendens paperwork (you've been served) to the actual auction of the property.
619 days is average....that means some are much faster and some are much slower.
The real question behind the question is usually: "How much longer do I have before they kick me out of here for good?"
In response to the real question, I'd respond with, "It's time to take control of your situation and stop waiting for something to happen". The bottom line: Something is happening. The bank is taking the house back and you can either sit and wait or decide to work with the bank, short sale the property, and close this chapter and start working on the next chapter sooner rather than later.........and with potentially a much better chance of re-establishing your good name and your good credit.
If you are currently in foreclosure, short sale the house! The banks are very willing to work with us once you are in foreclosure. They pay the closing cost, the real estate commissions, and the house is sold As Is.
Posted by Brad Officer on
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