I'm always striving to deliver more value on this website. Being a more tech savvy agent, I'm almost obsessed with tweaking the site and analyzing the data and analytics from even the most minor changes. It's an ongoing trial and error that never ends (and never should).
One piece of data that I analyze almost daily is the click difference between waterfront searches. Oceanfront vs Riverfront vs Intracoastal to be more precise.
In the Jacksonville area, Riverfront Home searches far outweigh the oceanfront or beachfront search. Why is this?
My well educated guess/theory:
- Riverfront is affordable: While oceanfront is typically a $1mm + purchase, Riverfront homes in Jacksonville offer a much more affordable purchase price of $200,000+.
- Fishermen: As a fisherman myself, if I'm paying a premium for waterfront, I sure do want the luxury of walking out my backdoor, hopping on my boat, and going fishing. Oceanfront homes typically don't have a dock or boat launch area.
- Riverfront covers more locations: A well accomplished family in Orange Park may want to live at the beach, but work may dictate living in Orange Park is far more realistic. Riverfront covers many many more miles of shoreline throughout many more locations, making it much more convenient for many people.
Those are the big 3. Of course there are many more reasons riverfront wins out in searches vs oceanfront or intracoastal, but those are the big ones front and center.
Posted by Brad Officer on
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